Friday 1 April 2011

Been a long time


So it's now 2011, I haven't written on here since 2007... yea I think I mentioned I get lazy? Not normally this much though. Wow, I did three blogs... oops.
Well anyway, I am now 21, I'm in my final year of my course at university, final weeks in fact. I have a list as long as my arm of work to do, dissertations and the such :/, it'll all come together though I'm sure.

I'm still with my lovely Matt, we've been engaged 4 years now and together 4 1/2, its been difficult being in different uni's and living apart but we're doing it, maybe some inspiration for other couples out there? Or not. It is hard. When you wake up in the middle of the night and really want the other person, just for a hug and they're two hours away by train. That sucks. And when you're going through a rough patch. Arguments over the phone, semi make-ups, not feeling you can get across what you're feeling because it's over the bloody phone. It's also all too easy to put the phone down, drawing out the argument more, not the best plan. At least in the same room you can't stop them talking... or stop yourself. Maybe that sounds like a blessing to some people, phone arguments, being able to get out? It's not, you just draw it out for way too long and it makes you feel even worse.
Gosh, I'm not really encouraging to people thinking of trying a long distance relationship. All I would advise is see as much of each other as you can and try not to muck up your time together with petty arguments (guilty), cherish it, sometimes you won't know when you'll see each other next. Keep the communication open, say you'll call at least once a week (hopefully more) and DO IT! It'll help you both get through the time apart.

Well I didn't know my ramblings would turn into that. This may actually be my longest blog on here :). I'm enjoying just writing for the hell of it instead of for a deadline, it's much nicer. Oh, just a side point, I know I'm doing a writing course but please don't pick up on my punctuation, I can do it, I'm just in a rambly, lots of commas type of mood, so sorry if that annoys you.

I may try to keep this a bit more updated, not promising anything, you can see what i'm like :).

Anyway, till I decide to ramble again. Ciao.

Saturday 8 December 2007

Z's and S's

Hmmm... so about time for my first rant yes?

Right so my real big problem is with the way that you go onto a site (like this one for example) or you're on Microsoft word and the language is set to English (United States), you know why? Because of the lines the jagged red lines when you spell something properly like socialiSe and it says no you are wrong it is socialiZe. A silly thing to get annoyed about you say? No i don't think that because it says English, meaning coming from England, it's not American is it? No everything is turning way to americanised lately, even through silly things that people say everyday like "going to the movies" come on people we are in England, Cinema, CINEMA!!!!
Sorry i just get peed off with a country using the same language as us but changing it, well I'm sorry but if they feel the need to change our language and the way that we say things why don't they get their own language?
American, hmmm and when they write a dictionary put it all in larger font, and substitute Philosopher for Sorcerer.

Hehe sorry to all the American's out there.
Just needed to get that out.



That about sums him up methinks.


Well I should really start by saying who I am shouldn't I?
I'm just your average, not knowing what to do (ever), moody/happy/crazy, in love, spaced out (most of the time), writing, singing (sometimes), girl.
Yep that's me.
I like to study, if I'm interested in the subject, although I guess it could be said I'm quite lazy when it comes to getting work in, or just doing it in general.
I love writing, it's my ambition and is what I am going to university to study, i have so many scraps of paper lying everywhere with starting lines of stories I was meant to write or just something i thought sounded good for future reference.
I like singing, on my own when no-one can hear me, not even my lovely fiance Matt who has only ever heard me sing once properly or if I'm hyper and he's trying to sleep (check out his blog it's:

Hmm.... seen as how I'm a writer I can't really think of what to write about myself, I'm not brilliant at that, but I'll try to keep you updated on my life and such things.
If I feel like ranting I'll put it on hear....
Feel free to leave comments for me :).
